
Yandere simulator rivals page
Yandere simulator rivals page

yandere simulator rivals page

If a Social Butterfly witnesses murder, they will run to a corner of the courtyard and call the police. They react to a camera by posing with a smile on their face. The Social Butterfly personality is specific to female characters. Sorry, I'm not allowed to speak with you. But, we shouldn't be seen talking to each other. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone what I saw.ĭon't worry.your secret is safe with me. If an Evil student witnesses a lone corpse, they will run out of the school without calling the police. However, they will avoid interaction with the player. If an Evil student witnesses murder, they will compliment the player on their kill and run out of the school without calling the police. They react to a camera by covering their face in a disgusted manner. The Evil personality is specific to female characters. –Attempting to communicate with them the day after witnessing murder. I haven't told anyone what I leave me alone. I swear I won't tell anyone what I saw! Just please, don't hurt me! In future, Cowards may lock themselves in a room alone and call the police, requiring the player to break the lock beforehand to reach the student. YandereDev plans to alter the Coward personality as it is functionally identical to the Evil personality. If a Coward student witnesses a lone corpse, they will run out of the school without calling the police. They will refuse to talk to the player the next day.Ĭoward students are the most commonly found pupils in the game and the majority of characters have the coward personality type. If a Coward student witnesses murder, they will beg for mercy, then run out of the school without calling the police. They react to a camera the same way as Loners. The Coward personality is specific to female characters. Only possible through JSON modifications. Shut it! You don't belong here! I saw you. What happened.? I have to tell a teacher! If a Heroic student witnesses a lone corpse but not a murder, they will act as a Teacher's Pet. The strength of Heroic students is tied to their strength, on a scale of 0 to 6. If the student wins, they apprehend the player, resulting in a game over. If a Heroic student witnesses murder, they will attempt to combat the player and engage in a fight. Males do not react to a camera, but females react as if suspicious of the player's behaviour. The Heroic personality is available to both genders. If all of the classroom teachers are dead, or another teacher has been notified, the Teacher's Pets will run into their individual classrooms and hide. If a Teacher's Pet witnesses murder, they will alert their teacher and lead her to the scene of the crime. They do not have a reaction when a camera is pointed toward their face. The Teacher's Pet personality is specific to male characters. Go away!/Don't talk to me!/Leave me alone! –HANKO YAMADA, KIZANA, LAS CHICAS BULLY –Upon witnessing murder., TODAS LAS RIVALES MORIRAN Y ESTARAN EN YANDERE SIMULATOR If a Loner is spoken to the next day, they will refuse to speak to the player as they do not wish to interact with them. Loners who have witnessed murder will cause a drop of 10 points in Reputation. If a Loner witnesses a corpse, they will run out of the school and phone the police. Males do not react to a camera yet, but females will react by covering their face in a scared manner. The Loner personality is available to both genders. Character ID 1 has its own reactions to events, regardless of personality value.

Yandere simulator rivals page